A free tweak revisited

I am absolutely positive that this subject has been discussed before, but last night as I was listening I was reflecting on how big a difference (for me) turning the lights off and (probably redundantly) closing my eyes makes.  My listening room is a quite near field environment, but with the lights off/eyes shut I hear the illusion of a sound stage wider than the boundaries of the room with height and some depth.  (However, the sound stage I get is not as deep as it is wide.)  Opening my eyes and looking at the speakers so close to me is kind of like sticking a pin in the balloon. 


My system is in a dedicated room.

I never listen to it without eyes closed and seated in the sweet spot.

It's never used for background listening, the other two systems are for that.

I've only got one system up & running and that system has been in an evolving  listening room since the end of '17.  It doesn't get near as much use in this location as it did when it was in the living room, and although the sound stage is now more detailed & revealing than it ever was before, I don't think that I have near as much fun with my gear as I did when it was in my living room.  But there are other reasons for that; I don't find life, in general, near as much fun as I used to.

Technically I have enough unused components to set up a second functioning system somewhere else, but a couple of years ago we adopted three dogs & besides the listening room, I pretty much give them free run of the house, and I don't trust two of the three as far as I can throw them, and that means I don't trust those two at all. 

Oh well. . . .

Oddly it makes no difference to me. But then that my approach with everything. 

I am opposite, with my eyes open and the lights on my field of hearing is way better defined. 

@baylinor  and @pedroeb  , that's interesting.  I've always said that the sky may be a different color in my world.

It takes all kinds, imagine how boring the world would be if we all had the same vision, or hearing :)