A Hidden "Feature" of the Cornwall IV

The Cornwall IV is so sensitive in all respects.  Source, cables, power, time of day, recording, tubes---it is so revealing of changes you make.  I won't say it's scientifically transparent.  Instead, I'd say that it's overtly shows a difference with every change you make.  That can become a game or enjoyable in its own right, and draw you away from the music.

The good news is the Cornwall IVs are clearly a musical speaker.  This translates into most swaps of gear in and out sounding pleasant in their own right.    

Here's the problem:   I can easily sit tight with the Cornwalls and any decent setup of attached kit. But it is so utterly intoxicating to hear so many different things play with the Cornwalls.  

Curiosity killed the cat.  This cat might end up in bankruptcy!

What a wonderful loudspeaker. 
@jet88, awesome system have you! I have a mint pair of Chorus IIs with the crites xover/ti ’phrams, pushed by a Yamaha A S2200. I plan on forwarding my CH2s to my friend’s son, and getting the Cornwall IVs this summer. The Yamaha also has the dancing VU meters, and is a very fine piece. That said, the Luxman has a high drool factor indeed! I wasn’t aware of it until today...this hifi passion is getting expensive lately! Love it! I do think it is a gene that only a few people have. The masses just don’t know what they are missing.
My Cornwall IV’s arrive today!!  I ordered a Zen Torii MKIV with Zbit...20 week wait though, so temporarily I’m getting a Yamaha A S701 to spin discs and play vinyl.  Picked up a mint Sony XA5400es fully Modwrighted with NOS tubes and a spare drive for $2200:). Yeah...poor house but oh what fun 🤩 
I agree the Cornwalls have been more illuminating of component changes and positioning than any speaker I’ve owned. It’s hard to make them sound “bad” as they pair nicely with almost any amp you put on them. But their capabilities have far exceeded my hopes with willingness to experiment with positioning and amps. I’ve cycled through some of the “usual suspects” recommended by reviewers and fellow owners including Luxman(590AXII), Naim(Atom and Nova), Carver(Crimson), DAC (King Maraschinos), Abbingdon Music Research(AM-777), Linear Tube Audio, and Don Sachs Valhalla. They all partner well and the Cornwalls seem to be more agnostic than most in terms of amp topology. That being said, all amps except the Valhalla were a set of trade offs and compromises with the AMR amp surprisingly being my second favorite. The Sachs Valhalla, though, checks every box on the checklist and makes the Cornwalls absolutely disappear. I stopped posting (for the most part) years ago as almost every recommendation I have acted on falls tragically short of my expectations. This is the first amp that shattered the glass ceiling of what I thought was possible...and at a price that in the world of high end audio is a steal.