A list of efficient speakers at ~$5K a pair.

Specifically I am searching for those speakers possessing a relatively flat 8ohm impedance curve and a true (8ohm) 92db sensitivity that are at a cost of $5000 USD.

I currently own Fritz Carbon 7s SE  MK2. 


Only 92db?? That’s not very efficient at all.

Try these very audiophile speakers. Put them on your highest fidelity dacs and amps.


Yamaha CZR-12, Price: ~2k/pair

Sensitivity 1W/1m: 97 db (passive)

8 ohm

Pioneer XY-122, Price ~6k/pair, but, you could beat it down to 5k with the dealer

Sensitivity: 101 db

8 ohm

Specifically I am searching for those speakers possessing a relatively flat 8ohm impedance curve and a true (8ohm) 92db sensitivity that are at a cost of $5000 USD.

I currently own Fritz Carbon 7s SE MK2.