A list of efficient speakers at ~$5K a pair.

Specifically I am searching for those speakers possessing a relatively flat 8ohm impedance curve and a true (8ohm) 92db sensitivity that are at a cost of $5000 USD.

I currently own Fritz Carbon 7s SE  MK2. 


As much as I admire Aric’s electronics, his speakers are butt ugly. I’m more about sound than aesthetics, but even I have my limits and I couldn’t look at those things in my listening room. 

@soix +1, looks like the guy needs to take a art/design class or two, laugh

I apologize @aricaudio for some undeserved harsh words and criticism written above. Every member here is an artist and an expert in design and they have incredibly high standards.  

Another easy vote for the Volti Razz. There have been a few pop up her and on USAM recently for $5k pre-loved. Or as suggested already, pick up a pair without veneer from Greg directly... great option. 

@grislybutter and  ​​​​@aricaudio I listen with the lights turned off and my eyes closed and my listening room isn't used for anything else, so that wouldn't bother me in the least.  If they sounded great that is all it would take to make me happy.

@immatthewj you still should have painted the walls pink, and the ceiling grinch green but you find an excuse for everything cheeky