A list of efficient speakers at ~$5K a pair.

Specifically I am searching for those speakers possessing a relatively flat 8ohm impedance curve and a true (8ohm) 92db sensitivity that are at a cost of $5000 USD.

I currently own Fritz Carbon 7s SE  MK2. 


@immatthewj you still should have painted the walls pink, and the ceiling grinch green but you find an excuse for everything cheeky

That would make for an interesti9ng visual, @grislybutter .

But seriously, on my budget, if I could buy a speaker that out performed it's price tag and save a significant amount of money because the manufacturer had put everything into performance and nothing into aesthetics, I'd  be all about that. But I do understand how everyone doesn't (literally)  see it that way.  

After I read the Volti Razz posts and went to their site, I love the idea of being able to buy a great performing speaker and saving  2k by selecting the option of NOT having it painted or finished.  

I apologize @aricaudio for some undeserved harsh words and criticism written above. Every member here is an artist and an expert in design and they have incredibly high standards.


It’s really not that hard to make a speaker look a li’l better. In this case, he could have just moved the ports to the back or resorted to some slot design or whatever (two gaping holes in the front which look like that orifice takes away aesthetic appeal).

Let’s see....not sure why he wouldn’t do a vertically stacked MTM with just 2 mids....and a swept back facet on that fat front baffle (it would also take care of diffraction errors). Such things could also increase performance and aesthetic appeal.

Maybe, it’ll happen in a version 2.0 eh?



If Aric speakers price is $8695 , there will a lot of competition on this price.I have not heard them. I hope Aric will bring them to Axpona.