"Anyone who thinks they are HiFi sounding has not listened to current models..."
I can't tell you how many times I've heard this about several brands of speakers over the years. Basically, it boils down to "THIS TIME we got it right." ;-)
I begrudge no one for whatever preferences they have. We all have different priorities concerning what we value when we listen to music. That's fine. It's a big world and there are options for everyone.
(And, BTW, I do listen to live music regularly -- Powell Symphony Hall, Cathedral Basilica and similar venues these days and years ago spent time in the music industry as a sound engineer before switching careers. I'm confident of my own preferences.)
I can't tell you how many times I've heard this about several brands of speakers over the years. Basically, it boils down to "THIS TIME we got it right." ;-)
I begrudge no one for whatever preferences they have. We all have different priorities concerning what we value when we listen to music. That's fine. It's a big world and there are options for everyone.
(And, BTW, I do listen to live music regularly -- Powell Symphony Hall, Cathedral Basilica and similar venues these days and years ago spent time in the music industry as a sound engineer before switching careers. I'm confident of my own preferences.)