Responses from goose
I should start with speakers. This I know. I’d like to establish a new system. @toontrader start with your speakers. You need to pin down the type of sound you value. Some are more analytical and others more romantic or possibly organic. Traditional box, open baffle, horns or something else. It depends on your musical ta... | |
R2R next? Don't like ESS Our club did an informal shoot out between the PS Audio Driectstream Mk 1 and the Holo Audio May KTE. Output level matching was a little challenging but after we got that dialed in, the actual sound difference between the two was negligable. I s... | |
Vinyl guy seeking recommendation for a top level cd player It seems that companies like Accuphase, Esoteric, Luxman and Marantz are still supporting CD's which may make a comeback to some degree, especially when comparing the relative bargin to vinyl. It will be interesting to hear about the new flagship... | |
Reliable Dealer for 6CS7 tubes @rivinyl also check Andy Bowman of Vintage Tube Services. He is the only one I trust and has quality tubes. | |
soft dome versus hard dome tweeters Just play some violin music and that will give you your answer. | |
McIntosh MCD12000 vs. Luxman D-10X vs. Technics SL-G700M2 @bmwalpina I am surprised that you find the new XD Esoterics "aggressively detailed" in the upper frequencies. This has not been my experience with my K-03XD. They have an r-2r topology in their new series of players which to my ears has fixed a... | |
Advice on making a speaker change No you are not crazy. I had the exact speakers but decided to move on years ago. I think you just need to find something that will fill the gap you are missing or what sound you are trying to achieve. The two extremes will be more analytical to ro... | |
Adding a tube amp is a good idea? My only hesitation with tube amps are the heat and the the potential of endless tube rolling and life and cost of power tubes. In addition, I would probably drive myself crazy trying to figure out when to replace the tubes. My solution is my tub... | |
Replace tubes yearly? I turn my tube preamp off after use. If you are really concerned just get the tubes tested. | |
Looking for a CD / SACD player. Also, tell me about Esoteric At the end of the month I will be getting the latest Esoteric K-01XD se. This will be my absoute end game player for the CD/SACD journey. I have had some very good player over the years including two Modwright Sony's and Marantz players. I curr... | |
The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse!! @ immatthewj a good percentage of "unprepared" musicians are younger and think they are ready but are not. However, it's not limited by age. | |
The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse!! In my opinionRick is correct. So what is good music? You need to be able to write a song that will tell a story, play an insturment(s) to convey the message, have the music well recorded, mixed and mastered. If you think that you can sit at lap... | |
Townshend Audio Seismic Podiums Review @hollandw I had the same situation as you. I tried spikes, no spikes, gliders, and limestone platforms. Nothing worked until I got the Townshend podiums and acctually de-coupled the speakers from the floor. I sold all of my other "isolation" de... | |
All-in-One units for retiring audiophile & music lovers in 2025, say what? Another candidate not mentioned is the Bel Canto e1x integrated amplifer. A very high quality product. | |
Power conditioner? I'm thinking it's your equipment and it's interaction in the chain. So yes start isolating it one piece at a time. Also, is there any cable TV included on the same ac line? If so, disconnect it to see if that is causing a problem. |