A new horn is brewing in the cauldron?

I was looking at classifieds and ran into a tekton model.

But, my curiosity has risen more about the speaker in the background instead, which doesn’t seem to be listed on their website.

It looks kinda like a B&C horn paired w/dual 15s maybe... seems smaller than the Jubilee, maybe the size of a Klipschorn...

Any Tektonians from constellation Tekton have a clue on what model this is?




@roxy 54     How could you forget the biggest offender of all, subbing "loose" for "lose"?


Thanks for that one! It is a common and inexcusable error. I have a close friend who uses it that way all of the time in texts, and I just grit my teeth.

She also writes ect instead of etc, no matter how many times I write etc, and she writes ruff and tuff instead of rough and tough.

I want to ask her in a good-natured way how she came to start spelling ruff and tuff that way, but friends tell me it would be rude no matter how I asked.