A new Question: Moving Magnet Cartridge To Compliment My Rock Collection

I am looking for a MM cartridge to work well with my VPI Prime Turntable with the 3D arm and to compliment my large Rock collection.  Presently I have a ZU/Denon DL103 MC cartridge with a bent canteliver.  I will be sending it to Soundsmith for repair and keep it as a spare.  My Rogue tube preamp accepts MC and MM cartridges.  I want to keep this in the 500-600 range new and cheaper if used.  Recommendations and why?
I am going to disagree with 2m series recommendations.  They are very nice for classical, acoustic type stuff but not for classic rock.  A little light in the bass just like the older OM series.  You can't go wrong with one of the vintage Shures for classic rock.


I ordered the Gold Note Vasari Gold cartridge from Greg. The price went up on these as it was 500 Canadian and 417.00 USD shipped. I will be receiving it next Tuesday. Really looking forward to it.

My record collection is 95% rock. Classic and other. I have always loved Goldring 1022 gx. Even better than the more expensive 1042. It has plenty of grunt for rock. Higher output, slight warmth that emphasizes the bass region a little, and a gorgeous midrange. Also a smooth , detailed top end. I have used it on a VPI Scout. Loved it.
Have you thought about a cartridge from Soundsmith?  I have been very pleased with my Otello, which retails around $400, I believe.  I have it on a Rega RP8 and play similar types of music as you.

Many really good choices out there, good luck with your decision.
I ordered a Gold Note Vasari Gold MM cartridge from the Canadian distributor, should arrive Tuesday.