A nightmare regarding streaming?


Many of us stream daily and have many cherished playlists. I happen to use Qobuz and have lost more than one playlist. No clue as to why. Qobuz has no idea either.  Perhaps something in the cloud? Is it possible to back up all your playlists just in case there is a meltdown?


I’m a third vote for Soundiiz. With Soundiiz, you can keep track of saved artists, albums, songs, and playlists across music services. And, you can transfer these saved items from one service to another whenever you migrate. Soundiiz serves as a meta platform.

Some of this Soundiiz functionality is free. If you come up against a paywall, you can pay for just a month to transfer things around. (I pay monthly for the ability to update Spotify's dynamically changing playlists in Tidal, which Tidal playlists are then accessible in Roon.)

I take an opposite view from lalitk. He prefers a proprietary app. I want a manufacturer agnostic app because I don’t want my content to be tied to the health of any specific device or manufacturer.

So, yes, you can back up all of your saved music from Qobuz to Soundiiz. If you’d like additional redundancy, from there you can then back up your saved music to Spotify/Tidal etc.

Many, many thanks to all, especially classdstreamer.

I just purchased Soundiiz and transferred all my Qobuz playlists. That is the best $36.00 I ever spent! Thanks to your advice I will definitely sleep better...beginning tonight!

Greatly appreciated! 

I hardly ever use playlists, but I back up Roon regularly and I use Qobuz.  Is something wrong with me because I do not use playlists?

My streaming service is Apple Music.  I stream primarily to audition unfamiliar recordings and then if I really like something I buy it.  I used to do Qobuz but my wife really wanted Apple and I didn’t want to pay for another service.

  I dislike lauding Apple for anything, but many years ago I had made playlists in iTunes.  When we switched to Apple Music all my iTunes files, which I hadn’t accessed for a few years and were created before the Apple streaming service existed, have reappeared along with the playlists that I had made.  A few recordings in the playlist show as files but no music appears, and when I check it’s because the recording is no longer carried by Apple.  That seems to be an issue with all streaming services.  Anyway, the playlist themselves have been maintained for years 

I used a 3rd-party app called "Tunemymusic" to transfer my album list and playlists from Spotify to Tidal. I ended up subscribing to "Tunemymusic" on their monthly basis, but cancelled it before it renewed the following month after I’d already done the "transfer". You can also export your album list and playlists to a text or .cvs (compatible with Excel) file.

I did this to have an electronic record of all my stuff on my computer. I also downloaded a list of all the "missings" tracks and albums too (stuff that wasn't available on Tidal). Soundiiz sounds similar. Worth it for peace of mind.