A sensible CD transport?

After auditioning the Rega DAC and comparing it the W4S DAC2 I ordered the Rega for my system. My poor little transport is an Oppo DV-981HD and I know something better should probably be used.
I already have a Mac Mini on the way. So what's a smart buy on a transport for CD's? I've heard that the Rega Apollo is a fine choice, but the top loading is an issue for my setup.

Ideas on a CD transport comparable to the Apollo? Thanks.


Agree with Drubin, the Mac Mini is a transport. It has toslink and usb outputs and your Rega has those inputs. You can rip and store your CDs to whatever drive you choose. You can also try downloading some of the higher resolution formats that your Rega can play.

Transports are history, move all the way into 2011.

I am 76 and too old to change. Have enough trouble with computers as it is.
Old thread, however Cambridge Audio make a budget ($500) transport that I understand is somewhat discounted. If looking for a transport I would consider one.