A turntable that plays all types of music well


I might be moving and my lenco L75 direct drive with large Nantais plinth might be sold as too bulky to want to bring along....

For new location what turntable has the PRAT and ability to play all types of vinyl music well?

I already have a good Helius Omega arm and soundsmith hyperion cart so looking for turntable only....nothing over 10K
I think if you ha e a VTA on the fly tonearm you should be able to hear the best out of all albums. Also, there is a new more forgiving format to set up your tonearm. I don’t have the name of the new setup. Some setups are better for classical some average everything out. Lastly I asked MC about some of this and he said one cart he had to adjust the VTA a little. With another it was a set it and forget it. If you can do VTA on the fly that might be the most accurate as long as you record the settings for each album. Maybe call Soundsmith and see what they recommend since you have their awesome cart. If you do not have VTA on the fly then maybe set the VTA a little bit high. Then have a thicker mat to add bass or punch to the music when needed. I think 1mm higher VTA for the normal Mat and a 2- 3mm mat should give you some options. This would be adjusted by your ears for final VTA setup. I hope this helped. 
Turntable racks Miller?  Ho ho ho.

So which fuses are best for different music genres?
Red fuses for Simply Red.
Yellow for 'The Yellow Shark'.
Green for Peter Green.  And Al Green
Pink for Pink Floyd.    And Joni Mitchell
Blue for Miles Davis.  And the Moodies
Black for Black Sabbath.
Brown for Arthur Brown   And Jackson Brown
Crimson for King Crimson.
Purple for Deep Purple.  And Jimi Hendrix.  And Prince.  And New Riders..
Cream for The Cream
White for Barry White
Silver for Bob Seger
Tangerine for Tangerine Dream