A/V Receiver for B&W matrix speakers

I’m trying to convert my stereo system into 5 channel HT. My current system comprises Toshiba SD-9200 DVD player, Audible Illusions L2 preamp, Musical Fidelity A3Cr amp and B&W 802 matrix speakers. I’m planning to use HTM matrix for central channel and 804 matrix for surrounds. I’m thinking about either buying AV receiver for processing signal and driving center speaker (not a very bright idea) and surround speakers or buying processer/preamp and three channel amp. I’m not sure if I really need processor since Toshiba has a built in digital processor.
I don’t want to spend more than 1k and at the same time I need the system that would allow me to listen to my current setup without switching cables.
Any thoughts?
Thank you.

Showing 3 responses by pdn

Are you referring to the current B&W 800 series loudspeakers? I don't see the word Matrix used on their website anywhere. I searched for it though.

NAD T754 lists for $1099.00 I believe. That's close. Marantz SR6001 sells for $999.00.
Marantz is actually a good match for some of B&W loudspeakers. My Hi-Fi high end audio store sells both. I'm using a relatively new Marantz A-V receiver with B&W DM603 S3's, HTM61 center, ASW600 sub, and two M-1's. No problem driving these guys. As far as the 800 Matrix series, not sure about that. I would need to look at the specs of these speakers and as I said, they're not even in the B&W archives. I can't find them anyway. Sorry.
The SR-18 is an older surround sound receiver than the SR-8500. Both are discontinued products from Marantz. The SR-18 specs claim this unit puts out 140 watts RMS from all 5 channels into 8 ohms. The SR-8500 is rated at 125 watts x 7 channels into 8 ohms. But be careful with the later Marantz models. I had a conversation with them directly recently. It seems on their current line of 7 channel A-V receivers, the stated power rating are for two channels driven. When all 7 channels are driven, they guarantee only 70% of the stated power rating in watts into 8 ohms.

When evaluating any new A-V receivers, be sure the specs states "all channels driven" at the same time.