A very good ENGINEERING explanation of why analog can not be as good as digital..


There will still be some flat earthers who refuse to believe it....
Those should watch the video a second or third time :-)
I think Hitler would have been fine with Joni Mitchell or John Prine. 
I'll bet this guy thinks all rectifier tubes sound the same.    I packed my turntable away in 1985, and have been listening to digital ever since.  So I am hardly biased against digital.  But there are plenty of people around here who could ace a double blind digital vs. analog test, myself included.    
Funny, my partner just finished our phono stage and I borrowed a TT from a buddy of mine to test things out.  I spent the weekend adjusting our DHT Dac with a few friends over all day yesterday.  We plugged in the TT and let it rip.  I laughed at how good the phono sounded in comparison.  I called one of the guys who was just here and I told him to sell the digital stuff and find his old record collection!  The TT sounded so good it was an eye opening experience even as good as the DHT Dac sounds.  Then I took a look at the actual TT that my buddy lent to me to test things out.  The label says JC Penny.  We were laughing so hard and rolling around on the floor we began to cry.  Cannot imagine what the phono stage is going to sound like with a "real" TT.  So all the comments above may hold truth but when listening to the two, the vinyl was so sweet it was addicting.  The sampling from digital just IMO cannot do what the little old needle can do.

@brownsfan1 - all rectifier tubes do sound the same!  Not!

@audioengr3 "but closing their eyes will show that it is not live"  Today I experienced a live recording and when I heard the hand claps at the end of the song, as real as my digital rig sounds, the vinyl sounded better to my ears. So to each his own I guess.

Happy Listening.