about ready to dive in to streaming... PS Audio AirLens vs Aurender N10?

i am considering buying an AirLens but kinda like the features/cost of an Aurender N10.
my sole question..... will i notice a sonic improvement N10 vs AirLens?

i have PS A BHK300, BHK pre, DSDac, cd/sacd memory player & P20 regenerator with B&W 804D2 speakers.



I have a question for those who have the Aurenders... Does it require an additional DAC?  I just read a review on the 200 and the guy had his connected to a Yssagril or whatever DAC.  I'm interested in changing from my Bluesound Vault and Weiss Dac combo, which sounds great, to a Aurender 20 or 200, but one says its a streamer and one says its a servier.  So I wasn't sure if either would be a stand alone into my McIntosh 352 tube amp and Revel Studios, or if I would need a DAC as well.

@mojo771 If you Google Aurender and go to their website, my browser returned tabs for each model. They are both listed as ‘Transports,’ and nether of their listed outputs include an analog port of any kind, so, yes, you’re going to need a D/A converter, otherwise known as a DAC. Curiously, to me, the N20 includes several more outputs than the N200, as well as a clock input. 

@googoogjoob good choice! Get a nice AES cable and you should be set!

@mojo771 Aurender models designated with N are network streamers. Ones designated with A are streamer/DAC combos. In example N200 is a streamer only and requires an outboard DAC. The A200 model has a built in DAC. 


Great choice! I tested the N10 to the N200, and both were great streamers; not a bad decision to be had with either unit

I have been very happy with the ExaSound Delta Mk 2.  Very favorably reviewed in Stereophile and is in their list of recommended components.