About to purchase the Kef LS50W speaker want opinions about set up....

I recently heard the KEF LS50 Wirless speakers and can’t  believe how good they sound. I am looking for a system in my bedroom. My question is, I hear that the kef app is really bad and not worth using, since I have all my music on my computer in Flac, Will the Kef play it? Would I need to purchase an additional streamer, like the bluesound Node 2?

Update......ok so I recently downloaded Roon and streaming all my Flac files to the LS50, this system is so much fun to not only listen to, but to play with. I still can’t believe the about of bass it puts out. My question is what would be the least expensive way to improve the sound even more? All files are 44.1/16bit. What pieace of gear or DAC are others using with the kef’s?

Just buy a sub from Hsu, SVS ,.... and cross over with the speaker at 45 Hz. That will improve the sound a lot
I don't know much about subs but from what I've read  to get more base from 45Hz down you have to cross over at 90  Hz as that is where a it starts to dive with a speaker rated at 45 H ?
I hope I'm wrong .
I bought mine a few weeks ago. I haven't put 50+ hours on them and the dedicated stands are still on backorder. They are amazing as is, I can't imagine how much better they will be once I put them on stands (filled) and put a few more hours on them. Really satisfied with the purchase. They sound way better than my previous system which was a little over $8k.

I haven't felt a need for a separate sub yet, but maybe I don't know what I'm missing. If someone has tried a fast, musical sub with them, I'll be interested in your review.
I don't know what the world is coming to.  Audiophile types are starting to recognize the merit of active designs?  I bought the Infinity Intermezzo 2.6's back in 2001.  They were half active, Stereophile and TAS both loved them but they didn't sell.  Audio Advisor blew them out for about half price not long after they came out.  I regret selling them as they were truly excellent.

Now we're hearing people who not only accept active speakers but speakers with digital conversion built in, digital crossovers, etc.  I hope it lasts.  It will bring the cost of high quality audio way down if it gets popular.