How many millenia do you need to understand that yes the subjective impression is the end judge, this is ONLY a common place fact, BUT the PROCESS to CORRELATE electronical and electrical measures in a designing process is necessary and more than that the ACOUSTICAL process of fine tuning a room need a continuous CORRELATION between our ears/brain and the OBJECTIVE acoustic content measures and size of the devices in the room... ?
It is what i did myself in my "silly" room, whose photos were your only argument to discredit what i called Helmholtz method... Ad hominem attack....
The fact that you refused to adress this and go on opposing subjectivist against objectivist push the same stupid ideological audio useless and completely wrong war for MARKETING REASON...
You stir a pot and try to ridiculize me my friend and that i cannot accept it instead of arguments...
Subjectivist and objectivist division made no sense whatsoever...
Subjectivist sit on their ass listening their system and judging it good for their taste WITHOUT never adressing the process of correlating their acoustical perceptions with the OBJECTIVE content of the room.. They idolized their costly gear and tweaks and toys too much...
Objectivist measure a dac for example and declare it good or bad WITHOUT ever recognizing the huge power over our impression of the room acoustic and without recognizing in our own knowledge our very limitation about the known relation between electrical measures and acoustical measures and correlated acoustic perceived SUBJECTIVE impression...They idolized their measuring tools too much...
Objectivist and subjectivist are two groups created by market conditioning... And you go on with that for your own marketting reason ... Simple...
Educating people is not the same as selling a device... Acoustic principle are the key to audio not the gear and the tweaks ONLY and MAINLY...
No need to answer this post of mine, like usual post my virtual page... 😁😊😊😊😊
Make a fool of yourself....
At no time was I pushing my products, but rather, making it obvious the fallacies inherent in the objectivist approach.