

Discussions mahgister has started

«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato 11489281
Are there other people like me ? Amazed by their low cost system :)13861189
Is there miracles in audio experience ?216038
What means embeddings control ?11689
unclassifiable, original music, and impossible to define in simple terms...141832
Interesting videos about sounds and music 390777
Did a satisfaction threshold exist under 1000 bucks ?330377
How acoustic and some simple tweaks can cure audiophile disease for small pocket budget 272722
Classical music thread welcoming your suggestions and why... 267165
What is "immersiveness" in audio experience ?121815
Going back to headphone ? 206423
Hearing and emotions224346
Acoustic treatment and acoustic mechanical control over gear upgrade for improvement302137
Seeing sounds and music.....385956