About users with hidden agendas

If you know that a user is a dealer and they fail to disclose and attacks other users because they make a point against their interest, do you expose the user?

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is. 

What are the ethics of this forum?

Post removed 

I never said anything against Ted Denney products..

I only post in the threads he initiate like i did in any interesting subject thread in audio here, and i was even interested to discuss with him because some of his products included Shuman generators and some electronical way to modify the acoustic of a room, why not? I myself used a grid of small tuned S.G.

All people dont own a dedicated audio rom like me and anyway to do the same thing that his product did to the room at no cost i must use no esthetical devices and a great numbers of these devices made with discarded materials ... My audio room look like a "mad scientist laboratory"...

But when i posted something about acoustic in his thread instead of discussing in a gentleman way he make inuendo to ridiculizing my virtual page...Not one argument save the look of my room...

This give us an idea of what kind of persona is hidden by the company he represent...

I dont condemn his products i never listen really to them... I condemn the childish method of this dude...

I dont want anything more to do with someone like that...

Audiogon is supposed to be a place for anyone, even sellers are welcome, but not for bully...his method with me was ad hominem attack... I am not the first it seems ... I just see the story here of Jerry123, it is difficult for me not to trust his side of the story knowing how mr. Denney operate...

Then this has nothing to do about the value or not of his product...

It is a small paranoiac chidish bully for me who will never apologize for anything about anything... Nothing else...I think he perceive me and my method like a menace to his enterprise thats all...Then i will never trust him for anything...

Thats all.there is to say for me...

By the way people who discuss with me know that i use arguments and some knowledge...I dont bully or attack ad hominem... And i can admit if i am wrong and i apologize...But when i am not wrong i dont back...And i can proved my point ....

@mahgister you’re one of the lads in here, few are foolish enough to argue with you.

Oh wow If I would have known who this bunch was from the beginning, I would have joined right in and told the bunch of mental midgets they are the slimiest bunch of nitwits I’ve seen in a long time alone with Ethen W. GO AWAY. There is nothing on AH I like not a single thing..

Don’t try to ruin THIS site too. This site is a place to enlighten people not limit them by your friggin stupefied measurement that are so outdated I quit using them in the field 20 years ago. Null that..

Master HD Mechanic Retired
OE Local 3
Teamsters Local 315
IMAW Local 1173

I’ve fixed more cables and tested more cables than ANY of you. PERIOD! 49 years I was a mechanic. I wasn’t trying to be one or run a web site or make videos. I fixed the 100k cables you guys say makes NO DIFFERENCE. Funny guys..

Talk about disclosure a little TO LATE!

BTW Measure THIS.

I’m with you Mr Denny, hell I don’t even know who you are.. At least your smart enough to buy Mcintosh.

Now I know why they rubbed me so wrong, I pretty sure MC wouldn’t be conversing with the measurement crowd.

I need to go take a shower..

Here is the summation of you guys. I can’t HEAR because I choose not to hear.

Your all a bunch of Girly men. Hemorrhoids! Preparation H super strength, please!!

@tsushima1 uiu are making a totally false, defamatory and actionable claim against me personally.

AudiogoN this personal and false attack is against your Terms of Service Agreement.