Michael is now using the TotalDac unless he changed again in the last few months. Matt, Brinkmann Nyquist is in this game too. I was really impressed when i heard it two months ago. Just outstanding. If you need a Dave, call me. Personally, I got the Ayre over the Dave as it has much deeper and tuneful bass for my ears. I think the Ayre also has a bit better pace and rhythm. Dave has a great mid range up, but the Ayre matches it for my money. I personally don't love Rossini. I've now heard it in 4 different systems and like all of the DCS DAC's, it's highly detailed and a bit dry. No warmth at all. It's a great piece, no doubt and many will swear by it because it's so detailed, but honestly, I hear great detail in most of the top DAC's we are talking about, but the Rossini to me is like a robot,....just can't warm up to it. I have a bunch of folks I speak with regularly who feel the same way. I had the original one in my system for a week and I realized that I barely went up to listen to it.