Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
A comment about dealers in general and one in particular (Dave, The Audio Doctor)......

Buying used is great. It saves money and allows us to bring a piece in knowing that we can turn it over without losing our shirts in the process if/when we decide to upgrade or go in a different direction. We all want to get as much as we can for our money, but what we need sometimes is more then just product.

There are times, many times, where an audition is mandatory and potentially even a home audition. And an educated, experienced ear can help your system grow beyond what you thought it’s boundaries were....

Dave, The Audio Doctor, had visited a wealthy client on Friday/Saturday and had brought the larger part of his Digital front end and all necessary cables, conditioners, tweaks, etc with him. I suggested he stop at my house on a Sunday before he put everything back together so we could play and he welcomingly obliged (and got to sell a Davinci Light Harmonic 2 to me as a reward! Although the reward was truly mine!!!).

I told Dave to leave all his other "stuff" in the car and just bring in the DAC and music server. I told him how I, as a seasoned audiophile, audition gear in my room..... He waited about 7 seconds (clearly processing the situation) and suggested, strongly, that I let him run the demo since he knew how to squeeze the last vestige of performance out of his equipment. He wanted to use HIS power conditioner (Audio Magic) and HIS power cables (Enklein David), not mine. I thought about it and said it was ok as long as he had extra power cords to run to my DAC and server simultaneously so we could keep all variables consistent during the comparison except the actual DAC or music server. I have 2 pair of identical XLR 1m interconnects and digital cables so we kept everything identical except for the actual DAC which was a/b’d through my preamp. His intention was also to bring his tweaks in but we ran out of time.

He was clearly skeptical of the ODSX but open minded. As we listened he commented positively on the ODSX many times, and allowed me to make any judgments on the LH DAC he brought. My ODSX never sounded so good, and the LH (with the Baetis serve) left me feeling the need to smoke a cigarette after we were done listening!!!!

At the end he admitred that he was blown away by how good the ODSX sounded. But we both agreed the Davinci LH was otherworldly!!!

We had a great time and a productive time. He brought over almost a hundred grand worth of gear in his car to my house and shlepped most of it downstairs into my basement listening room. He could have walked away without a sale that day easily, and without regret or malice. But his fund of knowledge, experience, exceptionally selected gear, passion and demand to audition his gear with the cables and accessories he knew (and brought with him) would allow the equipment to shine its shiniest reminded me that buying gear sometimes means you pay for more then just the gear, and it’s SO worth the expense!

I am obligated to list John of Audio Connection in this category as well considering his generous offer (which I never took him up on) to bring over and set up the very big and VERY heavy Vandy 7’s when I was speaker shopping. I decided it wasn’t for me at his shop, so I declined his generous offer. I have personally never bought anything from John, but he’s clearly a good guy. I HAVE bought from Dave before and he’s a great guy and someone to consider when you need to rely on an experienced salesperson who has amassed a great selection of gear to offer his clients. And he takes trades, which many do not. 

I happened to HAVE an Audio Magic Oracle I had gotten on a trade a while ago and never swapped in since I always loved my Shunyata PC. When I told Dave I had the Oracle, he wasn’t at all upset that I didn’t buy it from him, he was upset I wasn’t using it!!! After he left, I pulled the Shunyata and have been running the Oracle since. I want to let it burn for a few weeks before I pass final judgement. I’ll keep you updated.

And finally i need to comment on the insanely expensive $9k/meter Enklein David power cords.... I want them. I want them for my amps and my preamp and my DAC and my music server. And another one to wear around like a tie!!! I just wish they weren’t SO damn expensive!!!!! They remove everything and leave only what is supposed to be there. They get out of the way like nothing I have ever heard, or haven’t heard!!!

I want to try them out since he has plenty and slowly integrate them. But they blew away my Shunyata Alpha Digital PC. When the time comes I’m going to call the Cable Co and see if I can get a Shunyata Sigma Digital ( and High Current) PC in to compare..... still so much to do!!!!!

Thank you Dave, from one type of Doctor to another!!!!
Was told that it was a very good show this year.  No really specifics though. I have a call into a dealer who was there and will share what he would like to share.  
Was told that it was a very good show this year.  No really specifics though. I have a call into a dealer who was there and will share what he would like to share.  
Subscribed to this thread. Interested to see opinions on different DACs.

I have tried
MSB Analog and Platinum DACS,
DCS Rossini
Play back Design (Currently Own the Merlot)
Total DAC Dual D1
Lampi 7

Ordered a Aqua Formula

For DSD I still prefer my Playback Design.

MSB NO SOUL (Analog DAC was more musical then the higher Teir models)
Total DAC Excellent Tonality and natural sounding.
Playback Design, Natural Sounding feels like the music is more engaging.
Lampi 7 was just not for me. Too Coloured for my taste.

My System Already consist of Tube Pre-Amps and Power Amps so Lampi was sounding too warm for my taste.

Their are some hard-core Die hard fans for Lampi DACs.