Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
this is a great thread, thanks for the input and information everyone. So, a lot of people keep saying things are moving fast, DACs will improve at a rapid rate. If so, why would it make any sense to buy a 20 grand plus DAC other than you want to enjoy the high quality sound now? Or could it be that even though things may be improving, it may take a long time for sub 5 grand DACs to get to the sound quality level of something like a Davinci Light Harmonic?
I got rid of a great sounding ODSE/SE to get the Ayre QX5/20. I know that there are always firmware updates from Ayre that will make it better and better.  They are going with MQA route and we will get the first unfold.  I know that in a few years I'll send it back and for a decent price, they will install whatever new hardware is needed to keep it relevant and a top DAC for another 4 years.  That would mean the life span is 7 years.  Why wait for 5-7 years to enjoy the music I love and have fun with a new piece now?  I don't have 18k for a new TotalDAC and it's better, but not by a lot, than my QX5/20.  I don't see a 5k DAC sounding as good as the Ayre does for a long time.  Others love their 10-20k DAC's and they probably won't see a 5k DAC touch theirs either.  

This is why we are into audio gear and not just music.  
ctsooner.  I see the Ayre has the Sabre ESS ES9038PRO chip in it.   Sabre has a rep for brightness and digital glare.  I know there is more than just the chip when it comes to the sound, the overall design and implementation is a big part of the sound as well.  But I wonder if Sabre has done something with this new chip to eliminate the inherent  glare their chips have a reputation of having?
I have enjoyed a PS Audio DirectStream DAC for nearly three years and very highly recommend it, especially for CD quality PCM digital files as input.
About a year ago I added a PS Audio PerfectWave CD transport, connected to the DAC with an I2S cable, and it's the best sounding combination for playing CDs I've heard.
But that might not be the case soon, as I've ordered a PS Audio DirectStream transport from my dealer, I suspect when it arrives, I'll probably say that IT is the best sounding combination for playing CDs.  From what I'm reading, this new transport is even better and plays SACD disks, sending DSD directly to the DAC (I only have about 30 SACDs...might influence more spending on Amazon!)
Ayre has a custom chip and not the stock chip.  Hansen does very little digital filtering and is a master at analog filtering.  He had help on the digital side by one of the best in the world.  DAC's are all about implementation.  The clock used in the Ayre is one of the best on the market.  There is a story about it and it's not a secret. You can google and find out about it.  Ayre has always had some of the best sounding digital since they got involved years ago and the QX5 is special for sure.  I've never heard a bad word about it. It's not for everyone as some like others, but most of the others are much more money too.

What I"m hoping is that Ayre eventually comes out with the ref DAC, but I know they had to get the 8 line launched first.  I have a feeling that once they get it out, that it will be discussed in this thread as a real threat to any DAC in the world.  I have that much faith in Charlie I guess.  Matt, can't wait until you get that LH D mk2 in