Absorbtion or Diffusion with dipolar speakers???

I want to maximize my dedicated listening room, and am wondering what the bets type of "treatment" should be used primarily BEHIND my Innersound Eros speakers??

Thanks to any & all!!
3 suggestions: 1. Buy 2 pairs of bi-fold louvered doors from Home Depot. Place a door, folded enough to stand up, behind each speaker. This is said to do wonders in diffusing the back wave. 2. An Argent Room Lens behind each speaker works wonders. Homemade Room Lenses work just as well and cost very little to make. "Swim Noodles" from Walmart also are said to work well. For tons of info, with pictures, on 2 & 3, go to Audioasylum.com Good luck from one 'stat listener to another. Don
I tried both behind my Quad ESL 63's and opted for absorption, though I'm a big diffusion fan in general. It's great for front and back walls but not for behind dipolar speakers, in my experience. I didn't get good results with an Argent Room Lens clone behind my Quads, but the shape mismatch may account for that: tall and slender versus short and more or less square.