AC outlets

I'm considering replacing my 20 amp Hospital grade ac outlets by Leviton, for better audio quality outlets.
I read a review that ACME ac outlets are a good value @ $45.00 and Mastro outlets @ $89.00 are also recommended.
If you use either of these I'd like to know your impressions. Or, if you replaced your ac outlets which did you chose.
I'm using solid state components.

Also, did anyone find replacing the ac face plate improve your system?



Showing 1 response by millercarbon

The reason all these little things like outlets and faceplates matter is a combination of electrical continuity, electrical field control, and vibration control. Different outlets and covers target different aspects of all of these. The ones you are using now are really just a thicker more robust version of ordinary dime a dozen outlets. Hospital grade means zero in terms of sound quality. All it means is the plug doesn’t fall out as much.

This is all by the way stuff I know by having done. I know hospital grade is a joke because I bought it and tried it. I know Synergistic Research Blue and Orange are game changers, because I have those and know just how much improvement they make.

Haven’t tried the faceplates because I am quite frankly beyond all that. The cryogenically treated 4ga wire that brings AC is hard wired directly into my conditioner. The outlets are all direct mounted in MDF routered to fit perfectly without a faceplate. There is a mix of Synergistic, Oyaide and other outlets. All are vastly better than "hospital grade" but the outlets themselves are only one small part of the story.

Because, like I said: continuity, field, vibration. Faceplates differ, some are more vibration control than field, others more field than vibration. Once you understand what is going on you may realize you could get about the same improvement with fO.q tape applied to the outlet. Or cover.

Then again some of the carbon fiber covers look pretty cool. Bling matters. Audiophiles put on airs about it being all about the sound, but you would not believe the dings I get for not having the right bling.

Personally, if it’s worth doing then do it right, SR Orange or Blue. They use a material that addresses the other point, fields. The gray goo they put on the screw terminals, do not remove it.

SR doesn’t even have the best field control. After you try Orange, or Blue, and appreciate it and want even better, let me know. But not here. PM. I hardly ever follow up on threads like this. They all degenerate to blather in like three, two, one....