Acapella ion tweeters

Does anyone know about Acapella ion tweeters (specifically the TW1S)? I would be interested to know about the following:
1) If you have any experience with them, are they really the best out there? Are there are other tweeters which can match their speed? Are there others with similar technology?
2) Did they have ozone problems at one point or do/did all extant versions of the TW1S have it licked?
3) Are they now available separately? I remember reading in a post many moons ago that they only came as part of their speakers (I believe the mysterious Detlof was the author) but the website has a separate listing for them. And if available separately, does anyone a) have ANY idea what they might cost? and b) who in the US or Europe (or even better, Asia) might sell them?
Thanks, Travis
Travis: Detlof uses these, separately. From my experience: Ozone problems have been licked. The tweets are VERY fast. Don't know how easy they are to purchase separately as I heard them as part of the speaker (but Detlof does, obviously).

BTW, Detlof is far more knowledgeable than he is mysterious ;) -- if he doesn't catch on to yr thread, why not mail him directly?
I remember reading somewhere that they were, at least at one time, avalailable separately. I think that the price was about $10k for the pair of tweeters.
i've heard the campaniles at fcrowder's place. of all the speakers i've heard, i've never been as impressed with anything as i was with that tweeter. its remarkable.
T bone
Question 1: A clear yes. There is nothing better, more transparent, more dissolving, less coloured.
Question 2: Have them for over two years and am still alive and well. They never had ozone problems right from the beginning, it being broken down and converted inside the system.
Question 3: Yes, IF you have the right connections. They are not marketed separately.
If you are seriously interested, drop me a line and I will see what I can do.
GREG: I wouldn't know about knowledgeable, but I LOVE being mysterious.(-;