Accuphase DC 81

I recently acquired this great sounding DAC, it works great on with the matching CD transport, , but it does not lock on
to apple tv and blu ray players. With blu ray, it gets locked on two channels only, but not a movie, the set up for movies is for two channels as well. 

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a certain cable that I need to have it locked on to apple tv and blu ray?

Your help would be truly appreciated. 

Many Thanks
Problem solved, bought a CD recorder, which took care of the audio, now I watch apple tv and Blu Ray two channels only, with DC 81 in chain, man it sounds out of this world, I am not sure why would anyone spent more money on a DAC, my search for a "Better Digital System", is over.  
I have not heard any newer model of the Accuphase CD players/DACs, but I feel the difference between newer models and DC 81 would not be huge.  

Hi Peter, 

Many Thanks for your response. 

I was under the impression that I will be able to use it for blu ray and apple tv, but it is not a big deal. 
The SQ is truly great, the best I have heard. 
The DAC runs hot if left on for more then 24 hours, I wonder if I should keep it off when not in use. 

I Thank you for your reply once again.

The Acuphase is a 2 channel DAC only working on 44/16 - therefore it will only work with rebook CD.

AudioMaster ?  :-)

Good Listening
