Accuphase DP75V: does it still hold its own ?

Hi, I have the chance of buying a (obviously preowned) Accuphase DP75V.
I now own a Naim CDX2 + XP5PS, which I really like; the reason why I'm thinking about this change is that I bought an Accu E360 int. amp and I'd like to have a 'mono-brand' set up; moreover, I'm downsizing the stereo (I came from pre+power amp separates, and wolud like to have the CDP in one single chassis as well), but my hope it's much more a physical downsizing than related than sound quality.

So, the questions are:
- would an Accu 75V better (or, at least, not be worse than) my CDX2 + XP5XS ?
- in general, does a 75V (15or so years old, I think) still hold its own, or should I go for a more recent CDP, maybe a recent Accu like DP500 ? (DP510 and higher ones in the line are out of my budget, even used: Accus are highly overpriced here in Italy, compared to Japan retail price).

SACD is not relevant (I guess I own 10 SACD's or so, over 1500 digital titles), DAC is only secondarily relevant (I'm not going "liquid" at the moment).

all comments are welcome, though in particular those about 75V vs CDX2 or 75V vs. recent Accu CDP's.

thanks, ciao
DP75V is a neat step forward
I believe that could stem from it's ability to be able to decode sacd which is dsd without the flag, but for Redbook, if that's what you want, then the 75 is the way to go, as Mojo music implies 75v would be "a neat step backwards" for Redbook.
But like I believe stick with the Naim, as if you ever need a laser (as I've shown you above) for the Accuphase you could end up with an expensive door stop.

Cheers George   
DP75V dose not read SACD, unless you have a separate board and a SACD transport.
I believe what Mojo music says, but I believe also in what ears say.

anyway, at the moment I think I'll keep the Naim.
tomorrow never knows.
DP75V dose not read SACD
It’s dac input will of the 75V if you have a transport that gives a SACD digital stream, and because of this it should do dsd as well. Certain model Playstation can give out SACD and the Stereophile review of the 75V says Accuphase transport can as well, I believe it was the DP-100, good luck finding one, and it uses the  Sony KHS-180A  laser

Cheers George
Yes, but you need an aftermarket optional board on the DP75v DAC to decode DSD, joining a DP100 transport indeed.
but the stock DP75v per se can't decode DSD.
I'm not sure that so many people bought that optional board and a DP100 to use it as a SACD player; guess they would buy a DP85 instead.
my humble guess is comments about DP75v are about redbook.
unfortunately, looks like all those people hadn't read Mojo nor Stereophile. ;-)
I’m not sure that so many people bought that optional board
I would say if the new buyers had the deep pockets to buy one new, they would have got the board to do sacd with also.
But watch if your thinking about the transport for that laser with the DP100 only one new one for $$$ you can see two lasers in it one for CD and the other for sacd.

Cheer George