Accuphase &Proac

I have just upgraded my system to accuphase A-45 amp, C2410 preamp, and CDP 67, i am looking to match them with the new Proac D38R, i am a little concerned that the low output of the amp may not boost the speakers loud enough??
Yes, the amp's low power will be a problem. The D38's are hard speakers to drive. Something in the Krell would be more appropirate.
I have no idea what the others are saying, the D38Rs can be driven by as little as 10 watts and have a 91db efficiency. I have driven easily with 30 watts solid state.
Accuphase has 90 watts into 4 ohms with lots of current. No problem even with a fairly large room. What speakers do you presently have?
Well I had an Accuphase integrated 180 watts with proac D25 the sound was fine but it wasnt really a very special match, i had a couple of NHTs before and it sounded better despite that the proac is much more expensive. any how i read a lot that proac needs class A amplification thats why i upgraded to a class A amp unfortunately i moved to another city so i am far from my other system and i cant try the new system even with the D25
Arbuckle if you tried the D38 with low wattage amps can you give us more info please.