Accustic Arts Tube Dac II or Berkley Alpha DAC

Two different approaches. Would be interested in opinions. I currently have a Tube DAC II but it doesn't support hi rez like the Alpha Dac. Considering a change.
In my system Berkeley sound far far better than AA.
Like night and day!
May be tubes was not good in AA.
But it is a fact!
My friend, who bring AA said that it is best DAC he ever heard. But after comparision he bought Berkely!
Again, so many questions. Were you running redbook or hi-res into the Berkeley? What transport? What connection? What wire?
Pre-amp or direct? etc. etc.
I know the Berkeley is a fine unit but there are many variables that should be disclosed for some meaningful comparison.
Additionally, what were the variables with the AA when comparing? Obviously a pre-amp had to be used but how about everything else?
Boys and girls the old dacs of yesteryear are not going to fair well next to the Berkeley/Weiss gear. When you throw in Hirez the game is over.
We used Mac+Weiss as transport and tested redbook only.
I understand that in another systems results may vary.