Accustic Arts Tube Dac II or Berkley Alpha DAC

Two different approaches. Would be interested in opinions. I currently have a Tube DAC II but it doesn't support hi rez like the Alpha Dac. Considering a change.
In my system Berkeley sound far far better than AA.
Like night and day!
May be tubes was not good in AA.
But it is a fact!
My friend, who bring AA said that it is best DAC he ever heard. But after comparision he bought Berkely!
Again, so many questions. Were you running redbook or hi-res into the Berkeley? What transport? What connection? What wire?
Pre-amp or direct? etc. etc.
I know the Berkeley is a fine unit but there are many variables that should be disclosed for some meaningful comparison.
Additionally, what were the variables with the AA when comparing? Obviously a pre-amp had to be used but how about everything else?
Boys and girls the old dacs of yesteryear are not going to fair well next to the Berkeley/Weiss gear. When you throw in Hirez the game is over.
We used Mac+Weiss as transport and tested redbook only.
I understand that in another systems results may vary.
I bought a Berkley to hear for myself in my own set-up, I only play redbook and don't care about HiRez;


MBL 101E speakers
Bryston 28 Squared mono blocks
Audio Research Ref3
MBL Ref 1621a transport
Acustic Arts Tube Dac (not stock tubes or fuses or power cable)
Stealth Audio Sextet digital AES cable
Steath cables through out

I don't know what you guys are hearing but in my set-up I most definitely prefer the AA pce. and so did eight others, as Teajay said "much more musical/natural sounding to my ear's", I have to agree with Teajay so it's obvious that we prefer a different sound.