Acme silver fuses

Does anyone know if there is a break-in time ?
Do they sound harsh/hard in the beginning ?

Thanks !
I used to trade Bob Crump for cool stuff like MOBIE, ACME fuse holder, his TG Audio speaker cables, silver plated wall outlets (ACME?), things of that nature.

Well guys the Acme cfc fuses of the slow blow are directional. I found if the high end has the sparkle the fuse sounds best. Bloated bottom end and dull top end the fuse is in the wrong direction. As of this time they are burning in nice and letting the music flow thru the NOLA KO speakers. 
OK, let’s extrapolate. The Acme fuse is directional. The Acme fuse is a silver-plated stock fuse. Therefore all stock fuses are directional. The reason they’re all directional is the wire element in the stock fuses are directional. Therefore, all fuses, including aftermarket fuses are directional. Finally, gentle readers, 🔜  all wire is directional 🔚 since we just established the wire in all fuses is directional. Any questions?