Acoustic Revive RR-77 Ultra low pulse generator

One more new baby in the family of esoteric tweaks, there is not much info on this product except for a a nice review in 6 moons audio, Working on the human body and psychic (the Schumann resonance) and treating your room acoustic...
I wish answers and comments from people who bought it and use it with succes!
Also how does it compare against the Quantum Symphony pro EMF Stabilizer who work close in the same way ???
Wich position is the best inside the listening room ?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xroccl007
In my experience the Acoustic Revive has it's best effect at 6.5 to 7.5 feet above the ground and centered on the wall behind the speakers. A second unit can be used behind the listener if it is also mid speaker positioned and at the same height as the front wall unit. Units that are not mid positioned can have a mixed bag effect-I have tried various positions and heights. I purchased my King Rex PSU from Audio Magnus in Canada. He also has the power cords for sale that are longer than the stock cords so the PSU can sit on the floor. I found this to be a worthwhile addition to my system.
Davidpritchard, how do you position it at that height? I assume you found the King Rex a big addition?
I bought a nice shelf set at Lowe's Home Improvement. The shelf is beveled and has a nice walnut finish. There are no visable wall brackets so it looks like a custom installation. Visually quite nice. Yes the King Rex is an upgrade and having the longer cable allows the PSU to sit on the floor. I think for most people the King Rex mark I unit will be just fine and that the mark II unit is not necessary.
I just experimented with placing 4 #1 Vibrapods under the feet of the Acoustic Revive, it really increases the performance. Pretty cheap tweak.
I would like to know what others think of this tweak.
Ozzy (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

I tried this and also noticed a positive result. Happened to have a set of #2's lying around. I'm using 2 of them, not all 4. The unit is so light that it balances easily on just 2. Result is more natural sounding, decreased harshness. Bass may be a little lessened? Still, good find.