Thanks for your interest....
My goal in my posts and in this thread is to alert people who most of the times underestimated it about the huge impact of acoustic treatment but ESPECIALLY of acoustic mechanical control...
Alas! i dont sell acoustic panels here with a "general rule" to apply about their location...It is not so simple ...
It is more difficult...
Nobody teach me that, i am the only one i know to use the Helmhotz resonators and the Helmhiltz diffusers in a grid of devices mechanically adjustable each one of them... Their location is also a key element...
The tuning process cannot be applied AUTOMATICVALLY by a simple rule but i had to do it one piece at a time, optimizing each step by another step in a continuous listening process...
It takes me many months, it was fun, but not a simple act...
My goal here is speaking about the importance of acoustic, versus throwing our money in an upgrading sound obsession... The impact of tuning a room for specific speakers and specific ears is huge, more impactful than most useless upgrade... An upgrade of gear will not change the room...
And like already say an acoustician: no speaker beat their room....
There exist some quick and easy steps yes... Elementary acoustic passive treatment if you dont own a dedicated room, but if you are lucky enough to have a dedicated room, it is easy to create simple Helmholtz resonators and diffusers with discarded bottles, tubes etc using different straws with different lenght and diameter for neck in the case of resonators and different open tubes with different filtering devices at one end for the diffusers...
But tuning all that is not quick , it is not plug and play, you must listen and learn how to listen in the process... It was the more fun experience ever in my audio journey... Upgrading may be very deceitful, tuning a room is not, you are the designer yourself here...
Apart from my acoustic devices creation i make some discovery i will attempt to explain here soon about the psycho-acoustic geography of my room, or how i created my out of the head "headphone" intimate effect or listener envelopment/source width ratio (LEV/ASW in acoustic ) using one speaker like the "head" and the other speaker like the " tail" of my Helhmholtz grid " serpent" around the room ...
By the way i am not an acoustician, all my discoveries came from listening experiments and from a few basic known or well less known fact in acoustic science...
It is then difficult to explain it all for me in scientific way here... NO ROOM/ SPEAKERS relation is the same...The tuning process must be completely specific...
For example the way i modified my speakers each one of them is related to some way i decided to experiment and used mechanically some acoustic crosstalk and some acoustic crossfeed between the speakers tp suit optimally each one of my two ears and make possible image acoustic source localization ...It is called the precedence law or Hass principle in acoustic and also i use time modifying control and level modifying control in each speaker to do all that...
Being not an acoustician nor an engineer i must study AFTER the fact and AFTER my experiments WHY they are so successful...It is not easy to explain it all after all nobody ever explain it to me in the first place... 😁😊
i try my best here to convey the essential ...
But if someone is not excited by listening experiments it is useless...
I played with acoustic not knowing acoustic and i discovered the great power of acoustic principle while playing with them in a way not explained in most audio thread... People are used to buy, plug and play, or are willing to pay for costly acoustic devices... I never did that... Acoustic can be cheap cost if we know what we do or if we dare to experiment...
Most people really think that the cost paid for their gear give them the best possible experience... Most of the times even if there is for sure a possible improvement between 2 electronic designs choices on a quality/price scale, the real huge improvement come AFTER acoustic tuning of the room /system... This is my discovery...
My deepest respect to you....
Mahgister, curious about the amount of time you have invested in solving these many room issues. I am not discounting your effort only curious if there exists some quick and easy steps. Thanks in advance. g