Acoustic TReatments - What, How much, & Where?

Hello all you room treatmentfiles.

Being at the point where I probably should have begun, now, I want to 'treat' the room, acoustically. Economic reasons say I might have to go by way of ‘foam’ stick ups on the wall, but I’d really rather not. The desired alternative, however, is panels, and they are mighty pricey. OK.

Reading over the online info at various panel makers websites, (ASC, RPG, GIK, etc), some panels have different ranges of absorbtion, reflection, etc. according to the makers.

Q: How do you know just the amount of absorbtion, or diffusion to incorporate into the room via panels, traps, etc.?

Is there some Rosetta stone that will decrypt this for me… or is it all “trial & ear-ror”?

GIK panels seem the most feasible cost alternative, presently.

Any suggestions or related experiences in regard to sources for, or treatments of, will be more than a welcome thing.

Thank you

Showing 4 responses by psychicanimal

I wrote a post for the Rives forum this morning--and the server lost it--along w/ my stream of thought!!!

Rives, the Marantz Esotec Ma-5 class A monoblocks are keepers. The Ma-5's have the magic holographic, harmonic presentation & decay of tubes with the beef, bass control and neutrality of tone solid state is characteristic for. Since in this setup I'm so close to the speakers the SPL produced by the little 30W monoblocks is adequate. My Forté 4 is not getting modded. Will keep you posted.

Weimboy, an open space can be successfully handled by Helmholz resonators. Member Jahaira built three of them and uses them in his house, where his listening space is open to the dining room. The ideal locations might take a while to discover. He said he'll bring them to my new setup; I expect them to deal with lateral diffusion. You ought to check them out.

Tbooe, I find Eight Nerve stuff too expensive & ugly. Slap echo can be handled by Golden Sound Acoustic Discs, and that's what I use.

I use test CDs to give me an idea of what's going on. For the final details I use listening tests and intuition.
There is a thread somewhere here that describes the DIY version of the Sylines. It's simple but tedious.