Acoustic Zen Absolute or Audience Au24e?

I was wondering if anyone here has compared AZ Absolute speaker cables and ICs to the Audience Au24e line? I am currently using AZ Matrix Ref II and Silver Ref II ICs and the Hologram II speaker cables but have been thinking an upgrade may be in order with the purchase of my new reference preamp. I would be looking to upgrade at used prices and the Au24e would be somewhat less outlay vs. the Absolutes but price is not the major consideration. I would like more resolution and detail, a lower noise floor and a neutral balance while being musical.
Latinsamba1, Iam exactly in the same situation as you are. I have all AZ cables (Silver, MAtrix and then Shotgun on the speakers). Iam thinking of Au24e too. You said you have changed the cables. Which one you changed, all the cables or ICs or speaker cables.
I started with speaker cables and really like what they have done for my system. Will probably try the Au24e ICs next based on the improvements I hear.
After living with the Au24e speaker cables for a bit I recently replaced the AZ Matrix II interconnects between my preamp and amps with Au24e. Another nice improvement in clarity and detail. Much the same as with the speaker cables but took it a step further without pushing my system towards being analytical. The slight grain I would hear on some cuts is gone and the music is just flowing. I still use the Silver Ref II on the SACD player but don't feel the need to go any further right now.