Acoustic Zen Adagio Speakers?

Looking to audition a pair of these in the LI area. Anybody? The overwhelming positive chatter that I read on line, wether from professional reviewers, or private owners, caught my attention!
Thank you for your time.

09-16-11: Sunnyjim

"but they also are overpriced"

Overpriced comparing to what?
Personally, I think the price is OK. I highly doubt anyone pays their MSRP. You just need to get the right amplification for them, and they're absolutely fine for the price.
I agree that they need to be played aloud so the can perform its best. I am very happy witth them , Got them NEW at 3000 from a Dealer in LA, with MAPA BURL finish and they look very good crafted, regarding the sound, I doubt there are many speakers out there on the 3000-4000 range that can equal their performance. But of course, I haven't heard them all...
To Hasmarto, Yes, I am sure us audiophiles avoid retail, but we do so because the type of products we desire are overpriced. It is ironic, dealers complain that customer come to audition their products, for example, like AZ Adagios, then are chastized and damned to hell for buying used. The "brick and mortar shops" need to direct their anger to the manufacturers's of such overly expensive products.

In better economic times, dealers usually allow a measly 5 to 10 percent off, IF your are lucky, AND DON'T WANT A PAIR OF DEMOS. They want to sell at retail or very near it, to max out their profit so they can pay employees, turn the lights on, and pay property insurance premiums. We can all appreciate the need to survive.

I once had a cyberspace brawl about 10 years ago with a rep of Audio Physic speakers who provided a pretty little speech on the performance to price ratio, and the unmeasurable "value" of audio enjoyment. I pointed out to his dismay and consternation, that such enjoyment might be had at a lower price with a comparable product, or a more reasonably MSRP. I could practically hear him jumping up and down because someone challenged the industry line.....

The Adagio is a great speaker with beautiful cabinet work and surely quality mil-spec parts and drivers, but its, current retail of $4600 seems somewhat over the top in the same way that the Audio Physic Virgo I series prices were. And of course, the performance to price ratio is stretched beyong the laws of physics when you see the asking price for any Wilson speaker, past or present..

I understnd and can appreciate the R&D that goes into a gem like the Adagios or AP's Virgo I, and that manufacturers justifiably try to recoup their investment, or investors money. However, it is we, the consumer, who must shell out after tax dollars to own such gems. Grossly inflated audio prices often I believe are a way for the manufacturer to anoint his product with prestige and therefore value, and everyone wants to feel a touch of class at least once in their lives whether it's audio, watches, cars,etc.... Granted, manufacturers like AZ, or AP, do not source their parts from Joe's Surplus but Questionable Electronics, or their designs from an amalgram of Popular Mechanics issues......

To Kapa 11, I am glad you confirmed what I thought might be related to hearing loss, or lack of power. The Adagios are not necessarily inefficient, and Robert Lee claims they can be driven with a SET amp. Though, it would be interesting to find out the technical reason for this anomoly. As you noted, the Adagios are speaker and achievement. I am continually amazed at their neutral and accurate presentation. Though, it may lack the dynamics of some other more expensive speakers, but not much. But, as Hasmarto noted, I just need to find the right amplification. I would even consider a tube amp or tube monoblocks, but recently had a nasty problem with FM transmission coming in loud and clear from a two tubed Jolida phono pre-amp. I tried every trick in the book, but never could resolve it. So, I fear something similar could occur with any type of tube amp or hybrid....also I not interested in tube rolling merry go round.

Much thanks to both Hasma and Kapa....sorry Audiofreakgeek, did not intend to monoploize your others have said, the Adagios are a great speaker system, you can go wrong!!!! Jim
Certainly didn't intend to turn this thread into a war among AZ fans, was simply looking to audition them. However, I can appreciate your passion, and I'm certainly going to do my best to audition them!
I have been in touch with a local dealer who briefly had the Adagio set up in his house, but unfortunately sold them before I had the chance to hear them.

Perhaps one day, I'll get that chance. Thank you all, your inputs are duly noted.

I heard them at a dealer a few years back, I wanted to be blown away. I recall being underwhelmed, they were very polite with compressed dynamics. I recall the dealer saying something about the "under-hung voice coil." Next to them were a pair of Dali's...Whatevere is the model that's about the same size, I beieve the Ikon. They had low end, slam, great vocals. Def. more of a rock speaker...Those Merlins are awesome, man. I think you'll miss the imaging if you trade them in for the Zen's.