Active ATC vs Spendor / Pass Labs

I had a lovely demo. of a Pass INT 60/ Spendor D9.2.

Had all the musical flow, engagement at all volume levels that I could ever want. A truly impressive demo.


But……. I have always wanted an active ATC SCM50A is what I always dreamed of owning with say a Benchmark LA4 Pre. about the same $$$ where I am for either combo.


I have heard the ATC - different room and gear. But I didn’t do the all listening levels demo. like I did with the Pass / Spendor. Just at a medium / loud level and was so very impressed. I can’t demo the ATC again, my dealer only orders them as someone wants one from ATC direct due to the current economical environment.

So… will I be unimpressed ordering the ATC at all level listening levels or will it not have the Pass / Spendor engagement factor that we quite frankly very addictive ?

I am really at a crossroad as which way to go.


@rfc, I've run either a Pass X250.8 or XA30.8 with D9s for ~ 5 years.   I think it is great match and sold Magico S1s for the D9s.   As already mentioned they are not overly forgiving so I found both Pass models worked great with them with the X model giving a little more detail (and dynamics) and the XA is little more relaxed  in the high frequencies with more texture/soundstage depth in the midrange.  Even with the Pass gear I found highly detailed DACs like the Topping too forward and settled with R2R NOS DACs or now the very smooth Meitner MA3.

I have no idea how the 9.2 compares but presumably is better; I've never heard the SCM50s but they are on a list of speakers I would like to hear whenever my upgrade time comes...

my understanding is that in the original d series (7 and 9 models) in time, even the designers came to feel that they overshot on the treble energy, so they dialed it back a bit on the .2 series

that said, when i heard the 9.2’s at a friend’s home, i still felt they are pretty hot up top... very reminiscent of upper focals... tuned for effortless treble detail, so you better have some pretty smooth gear, play top notch recordings, or they will bite...

This is speculation vs. certainty. You have heard one combination enough to know for certain that it works for you. Common sense leans towards certainty. (IMO)

I don't fault you for also wondering about something else that you have always wanted. It is always a prerogative in this hobby. 😀 

If you get the ATCs make sure you have more than enough distance to allow the drivers to blend.

when I heard them the dome midranges were noticeably incoherent with the other drivers (they have a very limited bandwidth compared to a conventional midrange). This resulted in frequent image shifting in vocals- very unpleasant.

I was listening from about 15 feet away, i would recommend at least 20 feet.

the Spendors on the other hand are incredibly coherent from 9 feet and beyond.  


By all means, do whatever feels right to you.  None of us will be listening to your selections, nor should we be emotionally invested in those choices. 

Positively speaking,  I’ve ATC SCM 50 actives and to my ears they do everything quite well and scare others who have engaged them.  Same with the ATC SCM 20 passives I run.

You’ve choices to make, not mistakes with the pieces presented.