active professional monitors for HT

I am considering active pro monitor speakers for a 7.1 HT. Possibilities include the JBL LSR4326P or Focal Solo6 Be...based on reviews and comments I've seen, since I haven't auditioned anything yet (the room isn't even designed yet, much less built).

Would welcome any comments on (1) the idea of using pro active monitors in a HT, (2) specific speaker suggestions that I should try to audition ($1000-2000 per pair street price range), (3) feedback on the JBL and Focal speakers mentioned above.

The room is going to be in the area of 2500-3000 cu ft, and I will probably use an existing Pardigm Reference Servo-15 sub.

Showing 3 responses by shadorne

Watched a movie with my son last night that I have probably seen 50 times. "Cars" was amazing on my new system. It was like I had never seen it before. The audio was outstanding. The energy this system produces made me feel like I was at a Nascar track.

Cars like Toy Story 1 and 2, a bug's life and Monsters inc were all mixed on ATC SCM 100 Actives by Frank Wolf and I agree that the sound is absolutely phenomenal on any of these movies...