Active Speakers

Besides the ATC Active 10 speaker what others suggestions in active speakers are there? They need to be bookshelf type - not floorstanding. Thanks.
Nova uses The new Threshold 300 watt amps. or you could step up to the ATC-SCM20's. here is the link to Nova below.
Cello made a great pair of "bookshelf" active speakers, but I rarely see them on the used marked; but I have.

It will be worth the wait.

check out LINN they have been doing active speakers longer than anyone else..look for used Tukans great speaker..
i also think tannoy makes some active speakers, but i could be wrong about that.

if you go fot the ATC's, though, you'll never look back. i use all ATC's in my system (two 50's and 3 10's) and will never use anything else again. (at home, anyway)