Adcom GFA-5802 -vs- Parasound HCA-3500 Amps?

More opinions please:
Has anyone out there owned both the Adcom GFA-5802 300 watts per channel power amp and the Parasound HCA-3500 350 watts per channel power amp?
If so, how do they compare sonically head-to-head?
What are the sonic advantages and disadvantages of each when compared to one another?
Thanks in advance.
Funny, I just had a salesman talk to me about the Adcom 5800 and 5802 yesterday as he was giving me info for a friend; both he and another saleman agreed that the 5800 was better than the 5802. Sorry I don't have info directly to your question but thought i'd share this experience.
I've heard both of these amps, and I'd give the edge to the Parasound 3500. The Adcom 5802 is still a good amp (and a great value at used prices), but it's a bit warmer and darker than I like in my system. Both have good dynamics, good soundstaging, and accurate timbral presentation of instruments, but I think the Parasound is more transparent and neutral than the Adcom 5802. When I auditioned these amps in my system about 2 years ago, and A-B'd the amps, I found the Parasound "disappeared" better than the Adcom.

Brian's comment about the two salesmen who preferred the Adcom 5800 over the 5802 is interesting -- the sales folks that I know have had the opposite reaction. I think that Adcom had repair problems with the 5800 (also true of the GFP-840, their first true pre/pro), and made some subsequent circuit and parts changes in the 5802.
To Sdcampbell (and others), I want to reiterate that I have never heard either, though I do trust the salesman that mentioned it to me, but I can't say anything for fact. They mentioned something like the 5802 is more power and weighs less, that alone puzzled them (or rather, spoke volumes). Anyway, sorry if I caused confussion. (He further stated that the 5800 can be nicely modified.)