Adcom - To modify or not?


I have to bring an Adcom 5800 in for service. I originally thought to repair back to original spec, but have read about some shops that modify with better caps, resistors, etc. So I call on the collective wisdom of the forum...

For money spent, would I be better off modifying the Adcom 5800 or just putting that same money towards something like a Bryston 4b-SST (used) or Parasound A21?

If better off modifying, is there a recommendation on what to get upgraded and to what parts?

Bryston 4b-sst used on warranty all the way. This product doesn't need any mods and good as-is with superb service if needed.
A modified Adcom will still be an old amp which is not made anymore. Even with the modifications the amp will not have much value on the resale market. I agree completely with Czarivey about the Bryston amp. For 25 years I have used Bryston amps with not a single issue. My current amp is a 3B SST2. The sound is terrific. I would go with a used SST2 which should have a modest price increase over the SST. Bryston feedback and service are outstanding. Don't forget to ask about a transferable warranty. There are often used Bryston 4B SST2 amps on Audiogon. By the way, ask is the 4B has the current upgrades.

there often are used
4bsst would be a better choice; parasound a21 is nice as well.

Interestingly, I'm using an Adcom 535ii right now and it sounds pretty decent (better than I remember my 545 sounding). I bought a used Bryston 4bst 3 weeks ago but one channel was not working correctly so its been in the repair shop for 2 1/2 weeks now. Hopefully its done soon! I haven't even heard it yet.