Add an external DAC. Make my Oppo UDP-205 a true top player

I am not sold on my Oppo UDP-205 audio reproduction.  .  It plays all formats, but audio needs improvement.   Looking for audiophiles that have felt the same a bought a DAC..  Which one did you buy.  What works really well?
What’s your budget? I have a 205 as well and still stock that I don’t really use as my Cambridge 851C to my ears sounds more refined so I agree the Oppo is really good for audio but not really, really good. I use the DAC in my 851C as well for my Bluesound Vault 2 as it punches above the DAC in the Vault, but I’m considering adding a DAC that beats my 851C so I’m reading all the reviews here and one thing I’m considering is sending my 205 into ModWright and let Dan do his thing. I have a ModWright preamp and one before so I trust Dans work.

Dacs I am considering are the MHDT Orchid, Denafrips Pontus, RME ADI-2 and to name a few. These DACS can be had for less than the cost to upgrade my 205 so I’m kind of leaning this route. If I didn’t already have my Cambridge spinner then the decision to send my Oppo to Dan would probably be a little easier.
I felt the same about my 105, which I only used for SACDS, DVD-A etc and had a separate trans/dac for redbook. After many years my Pioneer PD 65 with level 3 Musical Concepts mod (+ outboard PS) , alas,about 2 years ago the laser died and is no longer made. This forced me to use the 105 for both and I was not happy. While I searched for a new trans, I came across replacement Oppo 105 power supplies on Ebay and a replacement IEC with pure silver tail that attached directly to the OEM PS board. It was pricey, but damn what a revelation. Now that I had the lid off I could see how easy it would be to upgrade the PS. Ebay options ranged from ~ $150-$300+. I went somewhere in between

I eventually got a new player/trans- a Marantz HD CD-1 which is excellent and was plugging it into an Audio Alchemy DDP-1 + PS 5. After several months I was jonesing for some DVD-A & SACD, but to play SACDs I had to plug the 105 direct into my then new amp (EVS 1200 dual mono class D: see my AGon thread) using the 105s VVC. Now my system is 100% Dif balanced (which in spite of the ignorance spewed in audioland is the only way to go) it sounded great. So great in fact that I have not gone back to my AA DDP-1 + PS 5. FYI, I use WireWorld Series 8 XLRs, and speaker cables which allows everything in front to shine
BTW, I owned quite a few Class D amps over the last 10 years, none compare to the EVS 1200, but I haven't heard GaN yet, but coming soon

You REALLY need to give a budget. That being said, I’m really happy with my W4S DAC.