Add, Change, or Delete? N801 , Krell , Wadia.....

Just put together what I feel is a pretty darned nice sounding system. Was wondering what you might Add, Change, or Delete from this set up. Just curious, as I am not looking to change. I love the N801s with these amps, and recently added the 850. WOW!!

B&W Nautilus 801
Krell FPB-650MC Monoblocks
Osiris Amp Stands - 3 (for monoblocks and Wadia)
Wadia 850 CD/Trans
Kimber 3038 Speaker cables
Kimber 1011 XLRs

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
I would add a few dozen new CD's. Then I would turn off the lights, kick back in the sweet spot and listen to this system for a few days. Oh, don't get me wrong -- take naps here and there -- get up and stretch from time to time -- don't be a maniac. Nice system.