Adding Bass To Maggie’s - the DWM in parallel

I have been a Maggie fan for over twenty years. Upgraded to the 1.7is three years ago. Run them thru a Krell S550i and use a LUMIN as my source. Am very happy with MQA material sourced via Tidal off the cloud. Finally added a base panel - the DWM - in parallel. The expansion of my bass performance is amazing but my Krell overheats quickly. Added ‘the resistors’ to the DWM to raise the ‘resistive load’ on the Krell. Krell still overheats at high volumes. Should I give up on Maggie’s advice and stop running the DWM in parallel to the 1.7s? What amp do you recommend to push the base panel? How much power is needed. I do not want to burn up my Krell S550i.
OMG - my S550i is in transit to Krell for repair - so l brought my older Krell KAV 400xi (cost was $2,100) back to my main system. I added a Son of  Ampzilla II ( cost was $2,800) to my system to push my Maggie 1.7i. The Krell is pushing the Bass Panel - DMW. By bi amping my speaker system I am avoiding the overheating issues, and I am getting a great ‘sound stage’ - plenty of ‘dynamic range’ - vocal clarity is amazing - every Diana Krall CD and MQA via the LUMIN is brand new!!! I have never had this solid of a bass line out of the 1.7is - the high end out of the Ampzilla II is amazing - not harsh - just crystal clear!!

What have ave I learned - Power is everything - the Bass Panel adds the bottom end to Maggie’s - Son of Ampzilla II is a great amp!!! Magnepan’ recommendation to run the Bass Panel in parallel is BS!!!
i just added 10 years to the life of my Krell integrated amps!!!

I cannot wait to get my 1.6qr’s ‘Gunned’ by PG. I have the best ‘Low Cost’ stereo system in the world!!!  What a Great Country!!!
Just an update on my situation. I am sending my Krell S550i back to Krell for repair. They have some mods that should help with overheating. I just purchased a separate amp to push the DWM bass panel itself (Son of Ampzilla). This will take my speaker load back to 4 ohm. Once this is done - I will let you all know how it sounds - my goal is to keep my much improved bass response at minimal investment. 
Used Krell S 550i - $3,000
Son of Ampzilla - $2,800
Maggie 1.7i - $2,200
Maggie DWM - $800
wish me luck - I have heard amazing detail out of this system since adding the DWM - just cannot run it hard for over 15 minutes due to the “overheating issue”.