@tls49 , it looks like you might be able to provide me the exact advice I’m looking for! I hope there’s no strong etiquette here against posting essentially the same question in two threads because I just posted basically the same question in the OPPO thread.
I love your advice that a phantom center is better than a mismatched center because even a B&W Nautilus center isn’t going to really match my N801’s, especially because I’m not going to match my Levinson 333 amp for it.
You’re suggesting adding rear channels. Do you recommend only rears, rears and sides, or just sides? In other words, I could add two or four speakers to my room for surround effects. If it’s cleanest just to add two, then which two? How do you recommend doing this? I like the idea of using the OPPO 105D instead of my PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell DAC if it sounds "good enough." As long as it supports a phantom center, and it appears that it does from the manual I found online, and as long as I can use the XLR outputs as the front two channels for surround config, then I would appear to have the functionality I’m looking for from this piece.
Thank you for your feedback!