My listening time is precious and it is dedicated to vinyl.
Think your Sonos is enough for casual listening and convenience.
Upgrade your front end!
Definitely get a Technics 1200G TT.
super bang for the buck and a TT to build upon
And a Lyra Kleos or Etna
most other cartridges are little boxes with a cantilever… not Lyra
And considering your room, get a used pair of TAD small monitors.
a speaker to live happily with
To upgrade from your Macs, AGD Audion mono blocks but you will need a preamp. There are several good ones used for around $5K.
But the AGD amps are, by far, the greatest amps I have used in 50 years! And they would be a great match with the TADs.
And a Zesto Andros phono stage. The most gorgeous tube sound,
Absolutely delicious.
You may love the Mac sound and may want to keep them.