Advice from Audiogon family - best speaker $3k-$4k

I am looking for advice for speakers.  This is a second system in my living room with a MA252 integrated, VPI turntable and Blue Sound.  Looking for a floor standing speaker.  I have listen to Sonus Faber and I like them.  Advice?


I don’t want a bright speaker.  I like warm, but not muddy.  I need bass and detail.  I don’t see adding a sub with this system. 
I am not opposed moving the 804s and getting a different speaker for the main listening room. I have always wanted a of Maggies. 

I don’t think there are any "best" speakers out there. Some may suit your room and taste better than others.

Other brands you can try is Dynaudio with Emit 50 or 30, Fyne with F502 or F501SP. Canton also has good speakers. Or any used speakers that used to cost $6k to $8k.

He's going to be pushing the $3-4k budget with any Sonus Faber floor-stander even used.

And a lot of the other high quality floor-standers mentioned above.

Of course I recommend the speaker I have enjoyed for over a decade... Ohm Walsh 2000.  $3800 the pair, IIRC.  Does most things really well, and a few exceptionally well.

Sonus Faber makes great speakers.   The problem is that there are so many great speakers out there,  it's wise to listen to as many as you can if possible.