Advice on buying turntable under $500

I've had a Technics SL-1300 for years, but it's starting to show its age. I have my eyes on the Fluance RT85. Anyone have experience with this model? Anyone want to dissuade me and point me in another direction?
Ag insider logo xs@2xnakedreporta
you hardly give anyone knowledgeable any useful information to provide a recommendation
OK. I’m somewhat puzzled by what additional info you’re looking for, but I’ll try. I already have a receiver with an integrated phono amp, though I’m not averse to picking up a dedicated phono amp in the future to give it a boost. The turntable would just be for listening at home. Mostly rock, some jazz. Over 1500 LPs. What other info do you need? Receiver is a Yamaha R-300 refurbished in the last 18 months. Speakers are Cerwin-Vega LS-8 bookshelf. VERY modest setup, thus the $500 price point. Does that help?