Here's a puzzle: I'm an 84-year-old music/movie lover with considerable hearing loss (especially upper register), helped to some extent by high-end Oticon hearing aids. Current system is an Arcam AVR300 receiver and a pair of Von Schweikert VR-1 bookshelf speakers, old but still working well. What kind of additions/ improvements can I make that would at least help with dialogue and lyrics and possibly even make music (classical, jazz, bluegrass, folk, rock) more enjoyable? A center speaker? Which ones (since the Von Schweikert's can't be matched I've been considering everything from Polk CD10 to Elac C5 to Aperion 5C)? Would a subwoofer help? Anything else? I'm not much interested in surround per se unless it helps with the issue. I'm sure I'm not the only senior grappling with these and similar questions. Thanks for any and all suggestions.
Actually, the mucus and dairy connection was disproved a while back. But for decades we did tell patients not to consume dairy or give their children milk when they had colds, ear infections or sinusitis. But in reality there is no connection.
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