Thanks for the detailed response regarding your LPS adventures.
I've got a cheap 'n cheerful Topping LPS powering two switches: a TP Link for the computer network/wifi stuff, and a TrendNet switch for the audio side.
After experiment with a host of configurations for creating a fibre moat, I ended up using the fibre output from the TrendNet switch into the fibre on my old Cisco Catalyst 2960 switch. Then copper ethernet out from the Cisco (via a SmoothLAN which may be overkill) into the OM deluxe, which then sends fibre via 2 1318 Finisar SMCs. Phew!
Kind of a double moat, but it seems to sound the most musical and open of all the combos I tried. Not sure @sns would agree with my selection, but I bet he'd applaud my efforts, haha!
@mitch2 Sure is a crazy hobby, ain't it!
Best, JAMES.